Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day in the open

Today's class activity was to go out into the open and to make an observation on the surroundings. Each person had to find a place where he or she can make write what he observed.
         Where I was sitting I saw a tree with young leaves. This is a mark that we are in spring. I also noticed the grass with some patches of dirt. Cars parked was the background. And the background of the parked cars was moving cars in the high way. I also observed two servicemen walking and chatting about daily fusses. To conclude what I have observed, I have to say that I saw wasps circumnavigating which distracted me and so I moved.
         I heard the sound of the cars moving down the highway. And the buzz made by the wasps and a bird probably chatting to it bird friend.
         I smelled the grass and pollution from the highway.
         I felt the rough wood that the chair on which I was sitting made me feel as I touched it.
         As I was sitting I had few questions, one of those question was what gives grass it smell.the other was why was the sky so clear. And the last question was what are the ranks of the soldier.


  1. WOW!

    These questions are exactly what I would expect of the unknown researcher! Very analytical.

    Good Job!


  2. That observation session was something we all needed
    the way u wrote about it is telling me that u were right in front of the school which doesn't really give u a better chance to observe
    Afterall, i enjoied reading it
    take care ya man

  3. UnKnown Researcher, you captured the spirit of that day, using your five senses. It is amazing how doing that "holds" the day for all time, infinity. Reading your blog after a couple of weeks, those moments in time are still fresh.

    Odd the smells of grass and pollution commingling with sounds of cars and wasps! Thank you for these images...and for your questions...about the smell of grass and the ranks of soldiers...I want to know what the wasps were up to...why buzz around you?
